Democracy – how much do you have – post03


Democracy: how much do you actually have, politically?

In this 3rd part of our democracy rating exercise, let’s look at the established political processes where we live, and define a measurement of just how democratic they are. The rating is based on the assumption, that – as is the original meaning of the word – a democracy is a rule of the people. And the process by which the people exercise their role as sovereign of their country should be as convenient, easy to use, ergonomic, and secure as possible.

What is a comparable state of the art “service” with secure transactions? Well, your democratic vote should at least be as simple and secure, as state of the art online banking systems – both are about decisions and transactions involving your economic resources, and additionally the political process is about transactions (voting, suggesting motions), which concern your general environment and hence your wellbeing.


How does democracy work in your country?

  • Direct/liquid Democracy: the citizens directly make the rules, jointly (via majority votes) take decisions or have the right to delegate their vote/voice to an individually selected representative, if they do not want to exercise their right to vote themselves. (Democracy Score: 100%)
  • Representative Democracy: citizens vote for representatives, whom they trust to make decisions in their interest (with equal chances for all citizens to be elected as representative). (Democracy Score: 66%)
  • Mixed democracy: some representatives are elected directly by the people (al least 50%), others are selected by elected political parties. (Democracy Score: 50%)
  • There are periodic elections (pseudo democratic election shows), but who / which party is available for election is controlled by lobbies, money, banksters and other mechanisms not based on democratic egalitarian principles (equal chances for all citizens to be elected). (Democracy Score: 33%)
  • There are no elections or the citizens have no influence on who is in power. (Democracy Score: 0%)


Principle of equality: do all citizens have equal rights (and chances) to participate in the political processes, both as voters and as eligible representatives (in a representative democracy)?

  • True democracy: each citizen has equal chances, independent of money / family / upbringing / networks and connections / etc., to be elected as a representative, based solely on their personality and competence and the trust by their voters/supporters. (Democracy Score: 100%)
  • Although there is no full equality, it’s relatively simple to succeed in becoming eligible as a political representatives normal citizen without special economic resources or backing by powerful lobbies/parties/etc. (Democracy Score: 66%)
  • Pseudo-Democracy: theoretically each citizen has equal rights to become eligible as a political representative, but in reality, without support by powerful lobbies, monetary backers, or influential parties/groups, and the media, it is very unlikely to be elected. (Democracy Score: 33%)
  • Power is shared and distributed by an existing elite who rules. (Democracy Score: 0%)


How ergonomic is participation in the political processes?

  • Participation (voting, making suggestions, and becoming eligible as a representative) is as simple and secure, as banking transactions, either at a service oriented administrative office (like a bank counter) or via online-government services (like online-banking). (Democracy Score: 100%)
  • Participation in political processes is possible, but is encumbered by bureaucratic (red tape) or economic (cost for participation) hurdles. (Democracy Score: 50%)
  • For average citizens it’s very difficult, impossible, or outright dangerous to try and participate actively in the political decision making process.  (Democracy Score: 0%)


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