Independencies – real world application

Independencies are are the real world application of the concept: an independency is a state/nation formed by people with compatible social and economic interests. Their least common denominator as a community is defined in a constitution. They might decide to jointly source services normally provided by classical states. They do not necessarily share a common territory.)

For a more elaborate description see:


How can such an Independency get real in the real world?

  1. The hard way: build a large enough community to be bigger than small currently recognized independent nations (> 1 Mio. active citizens should be enough), hire some great lawyers, go to the UN and claim international recognition as a new non territorial nation
  2. The easier way: build a large enough community to have some leverage in sourcing services together (>100.000 active citizens), find an established, internationally accepted nation to provide the basic services to “non territorial” citizens.

The crucial first step is finding enough compatible people, with whom you want to form an Independency. This is the most difficult first step – also for How can we reach the neophile minority of critically thinking people, who want freedom and equality and are unhappy enough with existing systems, to actually do something about it? How can we best introduce them to an alternative to existing, territorial monopolist systems of government? How can we motivate this minority (estimated 2,5% – 5% of the population) to actively participate in building up an alternative?

This is, unfortunately, a question that is very hard to answer. If there were a successful, established process for the viral propagation of new ideas, it would be easy. So far there is none – so all we can do is put the ideas out there and see, what happens.

Once sufficiently large communities are formed and Independencies with a critical mass of citizens are established, anything becomes possible.

Which current territorial nations are potential partners for new, non territorial Independencies?

Generally any modern, democratic, early adopter among nations might be a partner. However, since most of them are organized to cement existing power structures by acting as “lobbycratic Bureaucrannies” (a tyranny of bureaucracy, controlled by lobbies, banksters, etc.), Swizzerland seems to be the only realistic option of a state, who might consider the idea. Also some of the scandinavian states (Sweden, Finnland, Norway) might be open to the concept.

But more promising are the states and nations, who will, sooner or later, have no territory any more. Rising sea levels and climate change will make  The Netherlands, Tuvalu, The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, etc. open to considering the concept of being “non territorial”.

So why not convince them, to act now and establish a “non territorial” citizenship, providing the baseline, least common denominator service to us, the citizens of Independencies?

What’s the cost/benefit for providing “non territorial” or “exterritorial” citizenships?

Independencies are democratically self governing entities. Naturally, they don’t need to be governed by some external government. However, it’s citizens need two very basic services, which they could source through “non territorial citizenships” from existing, recognized political entities (nations, states):

  1. the management/guarantee of identity
  2. international legal representation

The first, management/guarantee of identity, leads to having a passport or a similar document, recognizing you as an individual with a known (and internationally accepted) identity – which is also relevant for participating in an Independency and ensuring the “one vote per individual” principle.

And you would surely like to have some embassy near by, to represent you and provide legal services, wherever you are. Non-Territorial citizens passports also could be issued via these embassies.

PassportBahamasFor the sake of the argument, let’s assume, The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (threatened to loose most it’s territory by rising sea levels), decides to provide the “identity management”-service to non territorial citizens in Independencies. This would probably cost an annual fee for the service (~10€/year), a one time fee for any issued passport (~50€). If the citizens of an Independency agreed, to source the identity service from The Bahamas, each citizen would be charged an annual fee of 10€ for the service (which would be payed to The Bahamas) and could purchase a passport for a fee of 50€ at any Bahamian consulate or embassy worldwide.

The Bahamas would have a steady income for a service provided to citizens of Independencies. No country I know of is against opening up new sources of revenue to finance it’s bureaucracy. So once an existing nation/state recognizes the limits of population growth within an existing, limited territory, the next logical step it, to provide it’s services elsewhere – why not to fledgling Indpendencies, who need easy access to internationally accepted passports as a first step to legalize its citizens and become established in the real world?


Ideally the identity management / international representation service would be provided on a free market, by several, competing providers, so prices are keept competitively low.

As soon as we have established a critical mass of users at, providing them with a legit, internationally accepted passport is a first step. Either by building up the service ourselves and starting negotiations to be legally recognizes as non territorial nations (which is costly and difficult), or by sourcing the service via established, recognized nations, flexible enought to recognize innovative business model for their own products.



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